Dr. Anis Tlili (CNRS, University of Lyon, France) 講演会のお知らせ(10/23)



講師:Dr. Anis Tlili (CNRS, University of Lyon, France)
講演題目:Catalyzed and non-Catalyzed Strategies for the Synthesis of Emerging Fluorinated Motifs and Valorisation of Greenhouse Gases

講演概要:Our group is focusing on the developments of new methodologies or catalysts for the activation and valorisaiton of small molecueles. In this context, the lecture will be dedicated to show the recent advances made in our laboratory. A new concept to access fluorinated compounds using CO2 as a C1 source and deoxyfluorination reagents. Afterwards, the activation of the most greenhouse gas will be presented. Herein, a new reagent was designed able to perform deoxyfluorination reactions as well as C-SF5 bond formation. Moroever, the development of new methodologies to access unprecedented N(SCF3)CF3 motif and their subsequent uses will be also presented. Finally, the last part of the tal will be dedicated to the developpement of new carboxylative cross coupling process under transition metal catalysis/photocatalysis.



Dr. Anis Tlili講演会ポスター